She’s electric
She’s in a family full of eccentrics
She done things I never expected
And I need more time
She’s got a sister
And God only knows how I’ve missed her
On the palm of her hand is a blister
And I need more time
And I want you to know
I’ve got my mind made up now
But I need more time
And I want you to say
Do you know what I’m saying? But I need more ….
Coz I’ll be you and you’ll be me
There’s lots and lots for us to see
There’s lots and lots for us to do
She is electric, can I be electric too?
Lagu fave dari band fave gw jaman SMA dulu, Oasis. Lagu ini ada di album ke 2 mereka (What’s the Story) Morning Glory? yang di rilis tahun 1995. Waktu gw muda dulu, gw tergila – gila sama oasis ini, namun sayang sekarang lagu – lagu mereka rada kurang greget deh..
Anyway, lagu ini buat kamu, sayang!
Dengerin lagunya ya di http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZmKwgenQGlM