Dia :“2007 sdh kt lalui, baik dgn kbahagiaan maupun kesedihan. Smg smua mjd pljarn bg kita utk lbh baik lg di thn 2008. Slamat tahun baru 🙂
Indra :” Hi..it’s absolutely a nice surprise 🙂 I wonder how are you, just be4 I receive your sms, for God sake! Selamat tahun baru jg ya, I wish u all the best vie, always
Dia : “Thanx, u too. Pliz give my best regard to ur family ya..
Indra : “Iya, salam jg buat papa – mamamu ya..Well, I miss you so much vie!I’m so sorry cause I can’t stop loving you even till now..
Dia : “Yeah, I do too. Always. Everything has still remind me of u. Ok, bye then..
Indra : “Oh really? Wow!It’s been 2 months since I know nothing about you..hm, mau ketemuan? Kamu musti liat betapa gemuknya aku skr, he3x
Dia : “I’d loved to but I prefer not. I m not strong enough. Keep healthy ya. Ur effort to be a great businessman n be in swa mag would be in vain if u r unhealthy
Indra : “Remember the song lyrics too much love will kill you? Well, I’m so miserable..everything’s just cant ever be the same without you near me 🙁
Besok paginya, di hari pertama tahun yang baru, aku coba menghubungi dia lagi
Indra : “Hey..Met pagi!Hm, aq pengen bgt ketemuan sama kamu..Boleh ya?
Dia : “Kan udah dijawab.aku belum bisa,ndra.
Indra : “hm, aku merengek lg minta ketemu ya?maaf bgt, aku memang blm bisa berhenti berharap vie..You’re too special, I’m afraid I cant find another love but you!So Sorry..
Dia : “Hal ini yg kutakutkn slama ini kl aku menghubungimu. Pliz don’t make me regret my decision last night. Indra, I promise to see u in 2009. for now, leave me alone.
Indra : “2009?Lama bgt..Means 1 tahun lbh aq ga bkl ketemu kamu? Please don’t make me wait for that long,vie..I just want 2 see you, I will not distract you..I promise
Dia : “You don’t wanna distract me, but I’ve been distracted by u, even when u r not near me. U r still in everywhere! End of question, I m out. Don’t whine!
Indra : “ I love you, always!